Garbage Solution

I love brainstorming. And I love all the crazy ideas people can come up with. As my old Pappy used to say, “Don’t bring me a problem without bringing me two possible solutions to go with it.” I like to say “When we think together, we do better.” So, what do we do with all…

I love brainstorming. And I love all the crazy ideas people can come up with. As my old Pappy used to say, “Don’t bring me a problem without bringing me two possible solutions to go with it.”

I like to say “When we think together, we do better.”

So, what do we do with all this garbage we have? Is there a solution to all the crap that’s out there? I have a solution, it may not be the best and all out clear winning solution that will appease everyone, but it’s a solution that I think can be worked on and improved as we learn to make better choices on packaging and all the crap we make. (sorry for the run on sentence)

Step one: Picture a big manufacturing building that would hold all the refuse that is not recyclable, all that waste that we throw into our landfills. Then throw in all the waste that’s supposed to be recycled but just gets sent to another country so they can burn it and add that to the pile. As you and I know, that’s a lot of rubbish that’s taking up a copious amount of space.

All the products that get delivered to this structure gets thrown onto a large belt, the materials then pass through and under a giant toothed wheel that crushes and breaks apart all the garbage. All this stuff gets dumped into a colossal lava like bowl. The lava is liquid glass. The litter mixes into the liquid glass and then is dumped into “lego” like forms of all sizes.

These tempered glass “lego” blocks are then sold onsite and delivered to hardware stores across the country, where they can be sold to the people who are responsible for all the garbage in them. Yes, “Tempered Crap Glass” can be yours to use as you wish. You could build a fence, a retaining wall, a kids playhouse, heck you could even build your  new home with the blocks.

This new “Tempered Crap Glass or TCG” as I call it would also be used to make interlocking puzzle slabs that could be used to create driveways, sidewalks and maybe even the roads in your hometown. We could also create a TCG shingle  for your roof. Add a little color to boost the look and Voila.

Tempered Crap Glass would hold on to all the garbage and because no air gets access to it, it would not biodegrade. Oh but what about the look of it? Suck it up buttercup, this would be a generational reminder of all the crap we created over the years. Once a better solution is found we could then crush and re-work the TCG into other things that we don’t know or understand today.

I think TCG could eliminate a lot of the poisons going into our air, oceans and groundwater.

How do we finance such an idea? Money could be generated by charging cities a garbage collection fee. Cities already charge some kind of tax on garbage collection, this would be moved to TCG manufacturing. Think about it…cities could actually be making money on garbage and thus in the long run reduce tax to its citizens. The “new tax” would be people buying TCG for building materials such as retaining walls, shingles and driveways.

Is Crap Glass a crazy idea… I hope so. Do we constantly want to be reminded of all the crap we put out there? Probably not, but should we be reminded? I say, yes. Let us live with the reality of the crap we use and throw out until we create a better solution.

Tomorrow we’ll be introducing step two, a part of the plan that will help reduce homelessness, create jobs and add value to individual lives.

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Thanks for reading.

Chip and Honey Toodee

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